Monday, June 22, 2009

Weeks 21 & 22

Well, I am home safe from Spain! I had so much fun! More to come on that later... As far as the most recent developments on Pat's deployment:

Still no exact word on if he'll be out early or not. He thinks that they'll come to a decision in the next few weeks. The bad weather (sand storms) over there have been keeping him very busy. Even though he was so busy we did get to talk a lot while I was away on vacation. I had an international cell phone, so he could still call and text me. And since we were only one time zone away (as opposed to the usual 7) it was a lot easier to talk. He has earned his brown belt now, and is working towards black! Exciting stuff, and now maybe he'll be able to beat me in a fight :)

That's about it... hopefully we'll get good news soon about him getting out of there before a whole year is up! Only 30 weeks to go...

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