Tuesday, January 25, 2011

my favorite island place

Since my mom is visiting, we went out and about and saw the local "sights".  That pretty much included the aquarium.  The only indoor activity the island offers in the winter.  And boy do I LOVE the aquarium!

We had so much fun, we stayed for 4 hours.  And folks, let me tell you, it's not a big aquarium.  I think we chatted with every volunteer in there.  The fact that we were the only patrons made that pretty easy.  

Highlights included learning all about snakes, alligators and turtles, making a new friend (a cowl nose ray - um can I please get one?) at the sting ray petting pool, watching divers in the shark tank, learning a ridiculous amount about how amazingly important horseshoe crabs are in every day life (www.horseshoecrab.org - check it out... did you know their blood sells for $15k a quart?!), and last but certainly not least:  the sea otters.  Every time I go to the aquarium they are sleeping, but not this time!

 I couldn't get pictures of them swimming and jumping and diving and flipping... but I promise they were!

They even stopped to pose for me.  How friggin' cute?!  Can I have one of these too, please?!

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