Friday, May 20, 2011

bathing beauties

Just getting my daily dose of vitamin D with all 3 of my boys... It was a big day.  Jack and Winston have officially mastered eating ice cubes.  Before it was hysterical because they SO wanted to eat them but couldn't figure out what was going on, so they would just lick them.  Now that they know they need to chew they can't get enough!

Jack enjoying his ice cubes on my chair - he was too cute I couldn't tell him to move

Then he decided to jump on top of me and give me kisses...

 Then he hid in the shade under my chair...

And then there was Winston who loves to just lay in the heat, with his puddle from all the ice cubes he's chowed down on...

Oh yeah, and Sharkbait came along for the ride...

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