Sunday, May 10, 2009

Week 16

Another week down... Pat had a busy week over in Iraq, and I lost my webcam in the disaster that is my room. So we haven't gotten to video chat in a while. Hopefully I find it soon!

Happy Mother's Day by the way! Patrick sent me and my mom very beautiful arrangements of flowers. My card is of course signed from Patrick, Jack and Winston! We also got to see Patrick on Ellen Degeneres' show on Friday. They did a special shout out from Pat's base, and if you watch the clip (link is below) you can see Patrick in the back of the group shot at the end! (click on the video that is titled Mother's Day Greetings from Overseas)

I have to work tonight, so my mom and I celebrated Mother's Day early and spent all morning in DC Friday. We spent time at Arlington National Cemetary, and got to see the eternal flame where JFK is buried. We watch the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. And we got a chance to find our relatives (my dad's aunt and uncle) who are buried there. Brigadier General Alfred Judson Force Moody was the first general to die in Vietnam. We also spent time at the Women in Military Service for America Memorial, where my grandmother, Lee Ann Bennett Quinn (my mom's mom) is registered and honored. We had great weather and a great time. Pictures are posted below...

That's all for this week... only 36 weeks to go!

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