Thursday, March 6, 2014

catching up...

Hey there, it's been a while!  I could make excuses, but basically I've been lazy.  So why not get right into the good stuff?  These next few posts will catch you up on what we've been up to since OCTOBER (has it really been that long?)...

Nov. 15, 2013:  For my 27th birthday, and official entrance into my late twenties, Patrick organized a surprise dinner for me at a local tapas restaurant.  It was delicious, but more importantly the company was even better.  I was very touched by all the people who turned up after only knowing me a few short months.  Thanks Aussie friends!

This of course came after we spent my actual birthday in Canberra at our 5th, and fanciest, USMC Birthday Ball.
 And we ate at Patrick's favorite place on more than one occasion...

Stay tuned for lots more in the posts to follow...

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